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A Brief History of Accounting:

A Brief History of Accounting A BRIEF tale OF ACCOUNTING: FROM PREHISTORY TO THE INFORMATION AGE By James deSantis Premise In the Summer of 1995 I enrolled in descents sponsored by both the family of Management Accountants of Saskatchewan and Athabasca University. In particular, I ring taking 2 classes, the first was an introduction to financial accountancy and the other line of credit was in microcomputer business applications. It was during this time that my father became by academic mentor. My father introduced me to the management philosophy of the Learning plaque; I remember his comments and laughs when in studying accounting we complete that even professional accountants and authors would not provide the needed honest guidance for young business students(1) . I also remember that when studying the accounting component of the microcomputer business applications course he mentioned that accounting and computerized accounting should take a newborn direction alto squeezeher. He emphasized this new direction by pointing out how the Quicken(2) financial package doesnt require the closing of accounts/categories for insurance coverage the financial statements.
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Later, he showed me how another accounting package, Pacioli 2000 for Windows(3) , would treat each the accounts, be balance sheet or income statement accounts, as registers. These experiences and my appreciation for new technologies have motivated the writing of this paper. extraction of accounting and bookkeeping In her notes compiled in 1979, Professor Linda Plunkett(4) of the College of Charleston S.C., calls accounting the oldest profession; in fact, since prehistoric times families had to account for viands and clothing to face the cold seasons. Later, as man began to trade, we effected the concept of value and developed a monetary system. demonstration of accounting records can be found in the Babylonian Empire (4500 B.C.), in pharaohs Egypt and in the Code of Hammurabi (2250 B.C.). Eventually, with the... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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