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Air Conditioners

Air Conditioners: How They Function By: Tammy Olson January 1, 2006 Physics 102 William Beston Air Conditioners: How They Function flip you ever wondered how publicize conditioners work? Well, you are in luck. later on you read this paper, you depart have a sure motif of how an air conditioner functions. Did you know that the first person to coin the give voice air conditioning was Stuart W. Cramer? But, Willis Carrier is the inventor who patented his cheat c altogethering it an Apparatus for Treating Air. Thats where it all started. The year was 1906. I will take you from then to now. I will explain how an air conditioner functions and the components that make up the system (Timeline of, pg.1). It was 1917 when the first documented theater, late Empire Theatre in Montgomery Alabama use refrigeration. This started the use of air conditioning, a/c, in public buildings. The domiciliate of the House of Representatives, The Senate, The White House, The Executive Office Building, and the Department of Commerce, were all air conditioned following the Alabama Theatre. Then, a/c took a halt until the end of World War II. In 1946, the demand climbed. In 1953, the demand was exceeding the supply greatly. Manufacturers could not make enough to keep the population satisfied.
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Many stack were realizing the effects they experienced through the comfort of a/c. In the summer, families seemed to sleep longer, enjoy their food more, and have more waste time. Air conditioning helped science advance greatly. With the life bridge over and cooling systems Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon in piazza suits (Timeline of, pg.2). Now you are probably asking yourself, how does it work? Thats a good question. An air conditioner literally includes the cooling and heating of air, cleanup spot it and controlling its moisture level. An air conditioner actually transfers heat from the inwardly of a building, where it is not wanted to the outside. It uses the evaporation... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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