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Boat Insurance

Marine Policy definitions and continuet explained Within a cheer craft insurance policy, the term vessel is defined as The vessel herself, her machinery, boat(s) gear and equipment such as would norm solelyy be change with the vessel It follows, therefore, that anything that would non be sold with the vessel, may not be covered. To make sure that the cover is set up correctly it is important that the sum insured liberaly covers all the other bits and pieces. a) Dinghies & Tenders These should be specify individually and individually valued. N.B. For cover on a tender or dinghy to be in force the tender or dinghy must(prenominal) be permanently mark with the name of the parent vessel. b) outboard motor Motors These again should be separately specified, with full details, and individually valued. N.B. go for a record of the serial number N.B. If the outboard is to be left over(p) attached to the vessel it must be fitted with an anti-theft device in addition to the normal method of attachment. c) Trailers These, again, should be separately specified and valued. N.B. The trailer should always be immobilised preferably with a round clamp when left unattended N.B. The trailer should be indelibly marked in a unique way to aid identification.
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d) animateness raft Apart from being separately specified on the documentation of insurance these should also be marked in a unique way. e) Special Equipment This is where any additional gear, such as electronics, can be included. Some of these items can be bought later the purchase of the vessel herself or transferred from a previous vessel. Where possible, these should be listed, along with serial numbers and individual values. f) Personal Effects This cite is only intended to cover personal belongings which encounter been bought because you own a boat. It is not intended to be a replacement of the All Risks section of the Household Insurance. While it is refreshing to include a sum under the insurance to cover such personal items,... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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