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Crm Question Paper

4 SECTION - C (2 ×20= 40) Register way out : Name of the Candidate : resolving power any TWO questions. apiece question carries TWENTY marks. 8. Define customer race concern . Enumerate various applications of customer blood management in service industry. 9. Explain customer family relationship management make and give an elaborate framework of the same. 10. Keeping in header the present scenario, what do you think would be the future trends in customer relationship management in the aviation atomic number 18a ? 11. Distinguish between CRM and e-CRM. Explain the process of implementation of e-CRM. 5591 B.B.A. ( Aviation, tourism and Hospitality Management ) DEGREE EXAMINATION, 2010 ( SECOND YEAR ) ( fraction - III ) ( PAPER - V ) 230. CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP way ( Including Lateral Entry ) December ] [ Time : 3 Hours maximal : 100 Marks SECTION - A (10 ×2 = 20) Answer ALL questions. Each question carries TWO marks. 1. (a) What are the strategies in customer relationship management? Turn Over 2 (b) What are the functional areas Customer Relationship Management ? (c) H o w does customer of 3 SECTION - B (4 ×10= 40) relationship Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries decennary marks. 2.
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in short explain the pros and cons of the technology of customer relationship management. 3. Briefly explain the values of customer relationship management with a suitable example 4. Explain the essentials of customer reference management. expand your answer with examples. 5. Select a high society of your choice and before long explain the acquires of customer relationship management. 6. Select a company of your choice and write short notes on customer relationship management by Indian Firms. 7. Narrate the importance of relationship values in managing customer relationship. Turn Over management benefit a business ? (d) What is meant by active customer relationship management ? (e) Write short note on analytic customer realtionship management. (f) Customer... If you want to get a full essay, effectuate it on our website: Orderessay

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