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Leadership Theory in Organizations

Leadership Development in Organizations 1. What is Leadership? Leadership is something that philosophers film been struggling to define since the early of times. There are innumerable theories, approaches, and philosophies that seek to define what the essence of leadership is. Generally we move say, leadership is defined as the function of the effect of a leader engaging following in a inclined activity or task. More specifically, defining what makes a in(predicate) leader becomes a trickier enterprise. To examine leadership it is easiest to look at it from three separate dimensions. The first dimension of leadership is an brass of the abilities and capacities of the leader, whether those traits innate or learned. The second dimension of leadership regards the qualities of the followers in response to the leader. Finally, to fully understand leadership as it occurs you must also consider the context of the situation in which leadership is happening and consider the relative success of the endeavor. Among the earliest systematic attempts to study leadership involved the cataloguing of traits thought to be feature by great leaders.
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(Northouse, 15) These traits were considered to be innately possessed by leadership personalities, and while observable were not considered to be something that could be developed in an aspiring leader. Although which traits were considered the most pregnant to leadership vary from researcher to researcher, Northouse refined the various leaning of traits to five major leadership traits: intelligence, self confidence, determination, integrity, and sociability. (Northouse, 19) Later theorists concentrate on skills that could be learned or developed, this approach defies the mood that leaders are born and not created while staying confessedly to the idea that there are certain abilities a in effect(p) leader should possess. (Northouse 39) Katz described this idea by three main(prenominal) categories of abilities any leader should have, technical skills,... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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