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* The European Union (abbreviation: EU) is a confederation of 27 piece countries in Europe, started in 1957 as the European economical companionship (EEC). It has created a common economic area with Europe-wide laws allowing people to set off and trade in other EU countries almost same it was their own. Sixteen of these countries also share the same m stary: the euro * content * 1 History * 2 Free movement * 3 Main institutions * 3.1 Council of the European Union * 3.2 European Commission * 3.3 European Parliament * 4 Member countries * 5 Politics HISTORYQuai dOrsay (Paris). Robert Schuman gave the speech starting the plan for a European scorch and marque Community in 1950After World War II, the countries in Europe wanted to live peacefully together and assistance one anothers economies. Instead of fighting for coal and steel, the foremost component countries (West) Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg created one European Coal and Steel Community in 1952.In 1957 in the Italian city of Rome, the ingredient countries signed another treaty and made the European Economic Community. Now it was a community for coal, steel and for trade. Later it changed the denomination to European Community.
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In 1992, with the Treaty of Maastricht it changed its name to the European Union. Now the member countries work together not only in regime and economy (coal, steel and trade), but also in money, arbitrator (laws), and foreign affairs. With the Schengen Agreement, 22 member countries of the EU opened their b recites to for each one other, so people hindquarters now travel from one country to the other without a passport or identicalness card. 10 new countries became members of the EU in 2004 and 2 more than became members of the EU in 2007. Today there are 27 member countries altogether | Free movement A person who has a passport of a European Union country can live and work in any of the other 27 member countries without needing a work permit or visa. For example, a British person... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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