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Overpopulation as a Threat to the Environment All around the World, the enquire of the protection of the purlieu takes a prime place in Medias and in some political campaigns. Pollution is listed as 1 of the main compositors cases of the destruction of the Earth. many another(prenominal) countries have made a lot of efforts in order to reduce their amount of pollution. some of them have even signed the Kyoto Accord. However, other countries prefer to swerve the fact that the principal cause of pollution is overpopulation. Overpopulation has poverty and deforestation as exits. It is defined in the Encyclopedia as the feature in which the number of individuals of a given species exceeds the number that its environment can sustain. There are nearly seven meg people in the world and the population increases by almost 79 million per year. It is estimated that the worlds population in the 22nd century will be between 11 billion and 14 billion people. Pollution is the main consequence of overpopulation. It can derive from many different forms such as air and water pollution. Air pollution is created by impetuous fossil fuels that release particulates, heavy metals, acid gases and organic contaminants into the atmosphere.
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Many people rely on fossil fuels to create electric and gas power instead of using mass transit, motorcar pools or other transportation. Therefore, the amount of the population that is polluting the environment at the same time is disastrous for the Earth. In the same manner, ototoxic chemicals that are sometimes dumped directly consciously or unconsciously into lakes and rivers or into municipal sewage systems pollute water. However, the big cause of pollution is overconsumption. According to Ehrlich and Ehrlich, we fail to bring population exploitation and over-consumption under control. People have been over-consuming for decades without any absorb about the consequences on the environment. It is obvious that two billion people, entirely else being equal, put more greenhouse... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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