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------------------------------------------------- Smith (199) argues that research and what counts as research is a oppose notion. Drawing from your readings and other material, demonstrate your pinch about the contestability facial gesture of research outlining any main points. Your essay should include a discussion of the literature including points that both agree and disaccord with the couch taken by Smith (1999) (3000 words) I keep vi honest serving men They taught me all I (know) knew Their names ar What and Why and When and How and Where and Who. Rudyard Kipling (1902) INTRODUCTION This essay will draw on info from a range of literature resources that will demonstrate my understanding of the contestability aspects of Research The second part will include a discussion of literature taking into account the points that agree and disagree with the position taken by Smith (1999). Decolonizing Methodologies reveals explanation and positivism that weaves imperialism, history writing and academic practices that continue to shape received research and socio-political polices on a orbicular level.
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Within the novel modern and the late colonial conditions research continues to inexorably realise with it a new wave of exploitation, discovery, and appropriation based on Western ideals. Christopher Columbus made the lands and the people of the western cerebral hemisphere known to Europeans, setting in motion a stove of events that altered human history on a global scale. The societies of the Americas and others seemed primitive to the Europeans, and they formed an image of them as barbarians or savages. The Europeans could not see or wish to see the complexities and cultural wideness of the indigenous societies. As a result indigenous cultures as well as indigenous peoples began to disappear as the European invaders advanced. Kirkpatrick (2006) Smith (1999 p. 20) writes that in imperial literature these are the heroes the fathers of colonialism,... If you hope to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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