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Study Guide for Intro to Sociology

Study Guide Final Exam The Power Elite: do up of 3 types ( POLITICAL (president, politician, executive branches) MILITARY (general) bodied (CEO, executives) these 3 form a triangle, and its non the person, its their access to their institution. -power selected shape our social life. They shape it by decisions that are made. Deindustrialization: not about industry, we dont make things any to a greater extent like we use to. Manufacturing has taken place. Decline in how classical manufacturing industry in the economy of a nation. To cause an heavens to be deprived of industrial capability or strength. opposer of industrialization ( process of economic change that transforms a humankind group from an agrarian society into an industrial one. Contingent behave: temporary work, part time, lack of a contract for their work. (no benefits, sporadic wages) ( NON STANDARD WORK ARRANGEMENTS. Non-Wage benefits: healthcare, stock options, paid vacation times, motherliness leave, workers compensation, retirement money, pensions. Different societies give diff. EUROPE > United States portion of motor: groups doing different economic activities. air division of labor( gendered jobs, and social class. division of labor ( racial, racial groups in different jobs. Dual Labor markets: the economy is divided into 2 parts.
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The Primary Labor Market: offers jobs at high wages, offers benefits, and stability. Good working conditions, job protection, collect process (established rules, fairly administrated-works are treated by rules/process) The secondary coil Labor Market: low wages, little advancement, low benefits, no high rates, no protection, no stability (jobs in domestic, restaurants, throng of color get these usually) Work/Family Conflict: work becomes dwelling house and home becomes work; people feeling more appreciated at work than home. Taylors Theory of Scientific worry: page 499. Taylorist world view- the managers job is to big businessman the workers mind and body, not to appeal to... If you indispensableness to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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