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The Crucible

The Crucible The Salem Witch Trials are a tragic suit in history of persecution and unjustified violence. Mob mentality take to many deaths, while simultaneously revealing a grassroots facet of human nature: Humans are inherently good, and most will struggle to retain that basic dignity. In The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, witch hunts occur in the Puritan wholeiance of Salem. In Basic Puritan be delusionf, the human spirit is inherently depravityful, or depraved. Therefore, it is entirely logical that people would seek start the Devil through witchcraft or otherwise. Nevertheless, Miller seeks to shew the basic morals that humans are born with as sentient beings. Many of the accused witches refused to bear false witness, to lie and own the sin of witchcraft. They chose death in dignity everywhere life in guilt and shame. One such exercise is John Proctor. Throughout the play, he suffers from a guilty moral sense as a consequence of his sins. Proctors lechery is arguably the root of the entire conflict in Millers story. It remains hidden by both Proctor and his married woman for most of the play. However, John Proctor is eventually prompted to confess his sin publicly, despite the damage it would cause his physical body (Proctors name most likely represents his pride, or his public image.
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) Logically this acknowledgment should spare at least the lives of the Proctors, if not all of the accused. due to miscommunication, and plain bad luck, John Proctor is next pressured to confess witchcraft. This confession would appease his accusers, and yet Proctor still refuses. He confesses what he knows to be his sins, and nothing more. When asked for his reason, he says that his name is all that he has left. A confession would spare his life, but he finds more value in his name, his legacy, and his spirituality. John Proctors name is an important metaphor, and a theme of the play. It is a deputation of pride, of dignity, and most characters refuse to relinquish it. Despite... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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