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A Explosion in the Consumer Culture

Robert Gawrysiak Professor Cicco HIST 102 61A East Chicago campus A Explosion In The Consumer Culture During the late 1950s and 60s on that point was a young and diverse middle class of Americans that was growing and was eager to consume consumer goods thither seemed to be a need for virtu completelyy anything from T.V.S, home appliances to the newest gad arrive ats this craze was provide by the creation of charge cards, which made it easier than ever to ingest the American dream. But that was just the ignition of the consumer craze(Wilt), what really fuel this craze was the fact that later WW11 the men were home and the factories were slick down hours from nearly 70 hours a week to closely 40 hours a week were vacation was relevant which gave the come American leaser clock to basically have the need to bacchanalia and have something else to do then work all the time (Whaples). For the woman they were described back out of the work force for the simple fact that the men were back from war and they wanted to start a familys which created the post suburban estate of the little white picket fence.
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The consumer culture played a critical role in shaping America after world WW11 there was a new sense of granting immunity in the air for Americans to have the newest of everything wholeness of the newest and biggest crazes that swept America also the world the was the evention of the TV. in 1946 there was only 17,000 sets in the country by 1957 there was 40 million TV. sets. This created a mass market of advertisement schemes to get plurality to buy products such as the Winston cigarettes by pickings popular cartoons such as the Flintstones during the 1960s and attracting a capacious range of consumers which many companies had up there sleeve during the take of the TV(dezinezone). The TV also allowed for the first time people all over the nation to see the violence, unfairness, hatred, and oppression of the black people by the white communities and most of... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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