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Austrian Revolution

diversity In the year 1848 revolutions were rampant in all every blank space Europe. Revolutions and a general civil unrest became the norm, taking the place of a much more subservient society govern and controlled by the upper shape. This chain of revolutions in Europe was sparked by perhaps the most well known French Revolution in 1789 and 1848, the first of which followed the infamous American Revolution which allow our country autonomy. In Europe with the liberalism and nationalism were sweeping the continent, skin senses almost every absolutist government and monarchy in its path. In 1848 the middle class became disenchanted with their governing rulers. Nationalism, non h whizzst a neglect of satisfaction in the nobility as well played a large role in the populaces decision to overthrow the government. Within Austria-Hungary there were galore(postnominal) troublesome minorities, including the Hungarians, Czechs and Italians each with its own agenda. Liberalism also had a affectionate influence as those not in the upper class were tired of having their rights trampled and little to no say in which laws and policies were passed. Metternich, one of the most important statesmen and Austrias Chancellor of the time mat up that this was unacceptable and fought hard against.
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Akin to France though this desire for a fair government was not what sent the Austrian-Hungarian Empire whorled into a revolution. The economy in the empire had been steadily declining for a number of long time, and with and over-populated countryside in which harvests had failed over the last several years starvation became a serious concern. The nobility however was free doing quite well, and a probably bigger problem than their lack of action in rectifying the crisis was their apparent inability to even fill in the plight of their people. Most of these nobles lived in such seclusion that they did not realize what was happening to the people under them. It was this attitude that caused the lower berth classes to rebel. Even by the... If you want to get a wide essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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