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1. What do you think of Mr. Reynolds management methods in general? I think Mr. Reynolds management methods argon easy going, not pushy and informal. He treats his gross revenue reps quite well and he doesnt want to pound or push them to do anything as he thinks that they ar all grown-ups and have their own incentives. Mr. Reynolds trusts and believes that his gross revenue force is mature enough, so they do not lead to submit any reports except under special circumstances. They be also not assigned any quotas, and encouraged to contend all work-related problems weekly or daily if necessary by telephone with their managers. Mr. Reynolds management method is quite special as he didnt use the traditional quota system, but kinda he used management by objectives. He sets in-person objectives, not arbitrary quotas, to stimulate his salesmen to improve their performance. Moreover, Mr. Reynolds likes to use takings system like contests to stimulate and initiate his sales force to achieve their highest potential. For instance, he assigns points, one through the number of sales reps he has, in each of four categories (like cumulative sales year-to-date; percent sales gain over same calendar month last year etc.).
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And for the top ten sales reps that got the or so points, together with their district managers, would win an all-expense-paid trip with spouses. With this kind of reciprocate system, the sales reps are highly motivated and would do their really best in everyday business. 2. Does he have a quota system? What are quotas used for? Mr. Reynolds does not have a traditional quota system which is widely used nowadays in many environments where goods and services are sold. Quotas are a bum amount of sales that could be assessed on a daily, weekly or monthly level. They are used to motivate the salesperson. building block selling units like for stores, may have a quota they must(prenominal) try to meet each month and individual salespeople are also likely to have a sales quota. Quotas are used to assess... If you want to get a full essay, send it on our website: Orderessay

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