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The Vietnam War

The Vietnam state of war Cynthia Brown HIS/135 Paul Sadler The Vietnam War       The students as well as the soldiers on the opposite side of the globe had been asking the same question who was the competitor and who the friend? Nation of Nations: A Concise Narrative of the American Republic, Fourth Edition. The students did non agree with the war and neither did a lot of the soldiers, which is why they were drafted. There were a lot of reasons for the distaste of the war. First was the fact that the war was going on for years. They felt it was lasting longer than it should have. They felt that adding to the length of the war was not necessary. Secondly there was the fact that President Nixon expanded the war, he began having the soldiers go into Cambodia. The soldiers were having issues with booby traps, which was causing more casualties than any baseball glove to hand fighting. Yet there was another problem, and that was the fact that during protests custody in the National Guard were forcefully trying to part the students to basically stop fighting for what they believed in.
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There were soldiers from the Korean War as well as WWII getting angry as well because they viewed it as they had to serve the countrified and they also survey they had been through enough. Basically they felt that it was the younger generations turn to smell up and fight for the freedom that they had to risk their own lives to fertilise them the freedoms won.       Basically on both side of the world large number were dying needlessly over a war no one thought we should have been involved in to vex with. Students were being shot and killed for protesting as colleges and the men, who were told to be respectful of the country they were being and killed. Booby traps were killing our soldiers in Vietnam and our soldiers were killing our students on American soil. The traps were something unexpected and out of the blue and caught the young men unaware. The... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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