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Water Conservation

pissing Conservation General Purpose: to submit Specific Purpose: to persuade the audience to save weewee ?. Introduction A. Imagine what life would be without water. Since Water is so commonly seen in life, its values ar snub and forgotten sometimes. But can you imagine what your life would be like without water? B. Obliviously, no angiotensin-converting enzyme can fail without water. Water is a crucial element in life. Its what keeps us alive. ?. Body A. Water resources 1. Sources of fresh water and distri just nowion Many population think that the world has plenty of water- after all, when you look at the earth, its well-nighly blue. That is correct, however, did you know that 70% of that water is seawater but not the fresh water? Seawater cannot be employ for many purposes much(prenominal) as taking a bath or shower, washing your clothes and food, or drinking, even out if you filter it. And even though 30% is left over, most of it is either in the wrong state of matter to be utiliseful, or inaccessible, existing in places such as stocky underground. 2. Use of fresh water Fresh water is widely used in our daily life. The most of worldwide water use is irrigation; industry such as power plant; dwelling such as drinking water, bathing, cooking; recreation such as skiing and swimming. 3. Water stress B.
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Water crisis But we are facing water stress now. Population growth, expansion of concern activity, rapid urbanization, and climate change can be the study reason. The water pollution makes the situation even worse. 1. Global water crisis (as referred by the Food and a floriculture Organization) The Food and Agriculture Organization, said in 2003 that there is no water crisis but steps must be taken to avoid one in the future. However,Of a population of roughly 6.1 billion, more than 1 billion lack access to potable water. The World wellness Organization says that at any time, up to half of military man has one of the six main diseases -- diarrhea, schistosomiasis, or trachoma, or... If you want to abbreviate a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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